Great! Always look forward to your posts.

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Thank you very much, Alex. I appreciate that.

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May 2Liked by Jeffery Saddoris

Great post, I enjoyed it. I didn't know that 'scenius' came from Eno but now I love it even more. I'm certainly a fan of community – that has become apparent over the last year or so as I've gotten to know certain people and started to seek it out a bit more after years of not. I'm aware now of how much I need it. I think a scenius can be online too – not just physical. When artists have a community online somewhere to share their work they can influence and support each other, and over time that work can evolve into its own unique scenius. I love that.

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Thank you very much. I completely agree. In fact, I have very few in-person friends or communities these days. Most are dappled around the world.

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How did I not see this before now? Damn, this was a great one Jeffery!

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Loved this. I often feel scenes and movements are attributed after the fact, without the people in them really realizing it during. Not always, but often. It's a packaging thing.

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