It's always the creating - the 'doing' rather than the result - photography is nothing but the by product of a great exploration of what's around you - you are seeking, doing ... yet it's hard not to be seduced by the end result which makes you speed through the important part ...

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I love making and experimenting, and if the experiment works, then the curating, and seeing if the things make a cohesive collection.

As an aside, I couldn’t understand why I had a craving for fresh, warm doughnuts this morning, particularly as I’m more of a savoury, rather than a sweet-toothed person. Hours later, I realised it’s from the title of this Iteration. I must have had a split-second glance at the Substack or email notification before even consciously registering what I was reading. I still really want a warm, fresh doughnut.

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For me joy must be in the making. If it’s not then whatever it is will be short lived. Thank you Jeffrey for another essay that makes me think about important things.

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