It's pretty uncanny that I'd put down the Rothko biography I was reading (Mark Rothko, by James E.B. Breslin) to read your post, without any prior knowledge that your post would be about Mark Rothko. I'm not sure what went into the wiring of my brain, but his red and black color fields light up my world. I've been immersed in all things Rothko lately. and just the other day watched Red: A Broadway Play, in which Alfred Molina plays MR. So... thanks for the post. It's exactly what I needed :)

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Serendipity! I'm grateful that you took the time and am so glad you enjoyed it.

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I had a Rothko poster on my wall for a long time, but not only can I not remember where, as in when or which house, but I can't find the image online anywhere and now I wonder if I'm remembering it properly. I'm sure I am because I spent plenty of time looking at it. Thinking back on it now it was like an open window letting a blazing yellow light in to warm anything that looked at it. Those were the days. Big posters of great artists on the walls. Yeah, provoking emotion, that's what it's all about isn't it? I think about that every time I go out to try and make a picture these days, not necessarily 'say something' but more like 'send a feeling,' that's the the goal. Something like that. This will make me think on it even more, yeah, good one.

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