What a beautiful memoir. I grew up on the shores of the Hudson River in New York. It resonates somewhat with your experience in that my parents followed the free range chicken school of child raising. After breakfast my friends and I would gather and pretty much do what we wanted until it was time for lunch or dinner. It was a beautiful time until my friends moved away and I was alone.

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Loved this Jeffery! The way you wrote it took me back to my own childhood summer memories.

For what it is worth, I have lived in Ohio all of my life except for 1 year in Florida and I can say you never get used to the humidity.

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Can one ever get used to humidity? I grew up in Singapore and lived there for 28 years before moving to New Zealand. I never got used to the humidity in all those years.

I recall hitching rides with my cousin on her bicycle when I was around 8-10. We cruised our neighbourhood and had a blast. One of my strongest memories was playing in the drains. I can’t remember if we were playing a game of rag or hide and seek. What I remember if the pure joy from being with my cool older cousins.

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