Jul 28Liked by Jeffery Saddoris

Thank you for the paragraph on the digitakt! While I knew I didn’t spend money easily on things “I didn’t deserve” and I knew family members deprived themselves as a means of control, I didn’t put together that I do this as a means of control too. I’m constantly learning (or relearning?) lessons of balancing joy, worthiness, control/fear, and letting go. Thank you for the reminders and happy birthday!!

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It's my pleasure, Anna. I'm so glad it landed for you. Thank you for the birthday wishes, too! :)

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Jul 26Liked by Jeffery Saddoris

Belated birthday wishes indeed to you. Sorry I've missed your daily walks for weeks now.

Control is a difficult thing to have. Although we maybe able to influence ourselves and others ( thinking of healthy eating for ourselves as an instance ) some of it is based more on luck than control. Where we are born and live, what our family are like and schooling etc. Sometimes I feel as though my life is stuck on a rail road set of tracks and I'm standing to one side of me helpless to do anything bar accept my fate. Other times I struggle to not be a creature of habit despite it frustrating me. All I do know is I've been very lucky in life even if I can't control most of it or even know I am at the time.

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Thank you for the birthday wishes. We've been inconsistent on the walks, so you haven't missed much. :)

I sometimes feel the same about fate...and I can't decide whether that comforting or concerning.

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Excellent! My grandfather used to say: "You can't grab your life by the tail. The only thing you can do is wave a red sheet in front of it and hope it charges in the right direction."

As for The Artists Way, I've been playing with the Morning Pages for past 35 years (I have two years on you) and it has done nothing for me, alas. Granted, I wasn't always consistent, but when I was I never saw the "light" Julia Cameron talks about. I've also been doing TM for 35 years too and never experienced the bliss Daviid Lynch and Howard Stern rave about. Maybe I was just born to complain and not feel good. That's fine. I can live with that.

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Happy (belated) Birthday! Glad to hear that your health issues aren’t anything (too) serious. As for the control issue: my wife and I have had to confront this recently as we put our house up for sale and mid-stream have to plan out a major relocation we weren’t anticipating. There’s nothing like my life fully exploding to make me think that control is just an illusion.

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Thanks, Mike. Yeah, life has a way of reminding us of what's what.

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