I've always struggled with the idea of being one particular type of artist.

While most people that know me would say I'm a photographer, I hate being limited to that.

I make block prints, enjoy pottery, and building gardens.

Even in the world of photography, I struggle with labels- I make client work, yes, and mainly portraits, but I'm also an artist.

One of my favourite art films is 'For No Good Reason' about Ralph Steadman. And contsantly reminding myself that I can create for no good reason is, well, enough.

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Thanks for the reply, Shawn. Honestly, it's been one of the things that has brought me the most joy and the most existential grief. I have so many interests (and always have) that trying to "narrow it down" just feels impossible. It's one of the reasons I get anxious meeting new people who inevitably ask, "So, what do you do?" Well...how much time have you got?

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Ha yes! I know what you mean. I'm over here trying to redo my website to reflect my diversity as a creative, with everyone telling me to 'niche down', but I just can't do it.

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I'm in a similar space. I think what I've landed on is refreshing the main page of my site to highlight the three main areas of my current creative "season." So, at the moment, that means painting, writing, and podcasting. But I'll also redo the "archive" to show more of a complete history. I'm not sure how that will look. Perhaps it's basically an infographic like the "bento box" graphics Apple uses for new products. Or maybe some sort of visual timeline.

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Seasons... that's perfect!

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Oh I like that idea! Creative seasons is a great way of putting it.

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May 28Liked by Jeffery Saddoris

Ethan Hawke is just great. I wasn’t the biggest fan of “Boyhood” but in my opinion, he made that movie. And yes, he was excellent in “Training Day.”

I’ll tell you, I had a creative crisis that lasted about 8 years. I completed a master’s in poetry, and really thought writing was my thing. I was certain of it. But a couple of years after I completed my master’s, I found it harder and harder to write. After awhile it became excruciating; I just couldn’t do it anymore.

Finally I had to admit to myself that the desire wasn’t coming back, and I could either be miserable or do something different with myself. So I hit photography pretty hard. I went out five or six days a week for years. I also got moderately into graphic design and had a blast with that, too.

Then I started working here and there on some side gig work with some folks, one of whom was a Disney animator. Thank goodness I did, because I found out my problem.

I thought I was into writing. Turns out I’m not. I’m into storytelling, and writing is the way that makes the most sense for me to express that. This not only helped me make writing make sense to me again, but I understood what I was doing with the photography and the graphic design, too. I was relieved to discover that those other pursuits weren’t wasted efforts. Like Rick Rubin says, it all cross-pollinates.

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What a brilliant realization, James. I feel largely the same. What I *do* at any given moment is simply the vehicle for communicating a story or an idea, but it is definitely subject to change.

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I've loved (and not loved) photography for years but there have always been other things that get my attention. Mixed media art, collage, typography, to name a few. The thing is, I'm a beginner in all those other things. So I always come back to photography where I am less of a beginner and can express myself better (aka with less frustration). IMO, life is too short to limit the number of things you enjoy.

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Jun 2Liked by Jeffery Saddoris

Γνῶθι σεαυτόν

This is the first maxim (exhortation really) inscribed over the entrance of the Oracle of Delphi.

Know Thyself

Start With Who

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May 31Liked by Jeffery Saddoris

I'm a "Jack of all trades, master of none" which can be very frustrating at times. The Ethan Hawke Ted video is a good reminder of what it's about. Thanks Jeffery.

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I loved reading this Jeffery. You remind me of my youngest son, who ended up at OCSA for theater, then New York for college, studying primates in the Amazon, convinced he would be in research, while also writing for the college newspaper, thinking writing would be cool, applying and getting into several med schools in senior year (we couldn't keep up!!), decided against, came home to work in a law office (since he was on debate team in h.s. & loved it!) ended up hating that 😅 and found his passion with the mentally ill and drug addicted in San Francisco. After 3 years, he's now an avid rock climber (for hobby), met some cool older rock climbers who have figured out how to live off-grid and climb, and his wheels are spinning again. I find him the most beautiful fascinating person I know.

As for me if I'm not in a creative space I'm not living. The idea of creating is what I am in love with.

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